My office solutions help you recharge, calm down, and break through when you’re stuck.

Photo by Damon Claussen

Photo by Damon Claussen

Corporate Yoga, breathing, and Meditation

Keep that computer hunchback, carpal tunnel syndrome, and those chair aches at bay. Find the energy to make it through those afternoon meetings. Chill without a pill before replying to rude e-mails, presenting to the CEO, or pitching that big-ticket client. Focus on figuring out that unsolvable problem instead of what happened on America’s Got Talent last night. Tell me your team’s workplace challenges, and I’ll design a corporate yoga, breathing and meditation experience to help you slash stress, boost productivity, and increase your bottom line.


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Group Coaching and Facilitation

Quit beating your collective heads against the office walls doing the same thing that’s not working over and over. Stop treating your big goals like a fad diet, saying you’ll do one thing and then doing the opposite. Uncover what’s holding your group back from reaching its goals in a facilitated group coaching event so you can be more productive and profitable, without sacrificing your wellbeing.