You’re ready to reclaim your energy, reconnect to yourself and your priorities, and feel physically and mentally grounded and strong again. My yoga, breathing and meditation offerings give you step-by-step guidance, inspiration, and support on your journey back to you.

The author doing Revolved Triangle Pose with the Great Yoga Wall

Photo by Wellness With Tami Inc.

Excellent way to be introduced to wall yoga. Tami is an excellent teacher - clear, compassionate and modifies each training to the specific participants. The manual keeps all the poses memorable so it wasn’t an ‘event’ with limited long term value.
— Anonymous training participant

Great Yoga Wall Training

Enliven and expand your practice and feel the profound relief of the Great Yoga Wall. Learn the fundamentals of how to work with the Great Yoga Wall safely as you move beyond what you thought your practice could be. Find deeper releases in the postures, better alignment and form regardless of your ability or what your body looks like, more physical benefits, and profound joy. Let your practice thrive with the Great Yoga Wall.

Tami Robinson doing Child's pose with a bolster for support and a blanket on the kidney band and hips.

Photo by Wellness With Tami Inc.

“Tami saved my life. She helped me heal my back, overcome a knee injury, and survive the most difficult business and life challenges I’ve ever faced. I now know at a deep level that I am not my work or what other people think of me, and I sleep better at night. I learned that the stress isn’t worth it, and that action and acceptance are.”
— Nick Z., attorney and entrepreneur, Chicago, IL

Private SEssions

Find your pace without worrying about the rest of the class. Ditch distractions like the person at the front of the room doing their own postures and checking their phone. Get my undivided attention, customized sequences, and modifications for your unique body to help you find relief. Whether you have a specific medical condition or just want some individual care, you’ll feel like a million bucks after a private therapeutic yoga, breathing or meditation session. In-person and virtual options available.

Tami Robinson teaching a room full of students on their mats

Photo by Damon Claussen

“Tami is gifted and talented. I will always be indebted to her for our sessions...they helped save me when I needed it the most. Her awareness and intuition made such a difference, as for a time I got some relief and peace. I’m glad she’s in this world.”
— Greg E., CEO, Indianapolis, Indiana

Group Classes and Workshops

Loosen up that sore back, those tight shoulders, and achy legs. Burn off that afternoon of sitting in intense meetings. Let off steam from dealing with toxic co-workers. Keep your nose above water in the riptides of work and home demands. Finally get a good night’s sleep. Reconnect to yourself and give your body what it needs in one of my yoga, breathing, and meditation classes and workshops.

***Important Liability Release***

By participating in livestream or recorded yoga, breathwork, and meditation classes, you are agreeing to the following:

I hereby release Wellness With Tami Inc. and any instructors from responsibility for any injuries I may sustain as a result of participation in the classes or programs presented by Wellness With Tami Inc. - including any online pre-recorded or livestreamed class. I am aware that the instructor cannot see me and may not be able to offer personalized instruction, and therefore, I agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries, or damages, known or unknown, which I might incur as a result of participating in the classes or programs offered through Wellness With Tami Inc. As determined by my physician and myself, I certify that the level of my physical condition will allow me to safely participate in programs at Wellness With Tami Inc. I have read the above release and waiver of liability and fully understand its contents. I am legally competent to voluntarily agree to the terms and conditions stated above, and by clicking on the above links agree to these conditions.

Tami Robinson teaching a room full of students doing One-Legged Wind Relieving Pose by candlelight

Photo by Jim Cogan